March 01, 2019
Dage's Dark Birthday Gift to You
The Undead Legion is made up of Lore's finest undead (and not-undead-yet) warriors. That is why we're bringing back ALL the Dark Caster Class skills, tied to new art created by Dage just for this event.
- Infinite Dark Caster Class uses the Evolved DC class skills
- Timeless Dark Caster Class uses the Arcane DC class skills
- Immortal Dark Caster Class uses the original DC class skills
Each of the Class armors you see above is built on art created for the last-ever, final, totally-not-going to ever be another Eternal Dark Caster.* There are variants to each to help distinguish between the classes in shop.
* Every year, Dage vows it will be his last Dark Caster. But every year, we get new, incredibly passionate requests to keep the line going. We hate disappointing you guys, so each year, he goes back to the design. It would be easier to do new designs and create new traditions, but with as much as you guys love this particular line... we keep updating it.
Dark Caster Classes get buffed!
With the return of the Arcane and Evolved Dark Caster class skills, it is time for… BUFFS!
Every Dark Caster* class now has:
- a unique auto attack dealing 100% spell damage (long range)
- a 20% chance to stun your opponent for 1 second
This allows all Dark Casters to make full use of their high Intellect state.
* Except for the original Dark Caster, which gets buffed next week
Infinite Dark Caster Class
This class uses the Evolved Dark Caster class skills. You can see the original Class Skills writeup here.
How to get it:
- Buy it from Dage's Dark Birthday Shop for 2,000 ACs
- Find it in the Dark Caster Collection Chest for 0 ACs
- Get it in Dage's Dark Birthday Merge shop for 2,000 Legion Tokens
Original Class owners:
If you have the original Evolved DC or the Legion Evolved DC Class, you will get the Infinite Dark Caster Class for FREE. Talk to Dage in the /darkbirthday map to complete his quest to claim your free class.
Infinite Dark Caster Changes
These changes also apply to Evolved / Legion Dark Caster.
- Overshadowed now deals 35% more damage
- Onyx Combustion now deals 20% more damage
- Soul Scourge now deals 25% more damage
Timeless Dark Caster Class
This class uses theArcane Dark Casterclass skills. You can see the original Class Skills writeup here.
How to get it:
- Buy it from Dage's Dark Birthday Shop for 2,000 ACs
- Find it in the Dark Caster Collection Chest for 0 ACs
Original Class owners:
If you have the original Arcane DC or the Mystical DC Class (which unlocked when you purchased one of the event rare armors), you will get the Timeless Dark Caster Class for FREE. Talk to Dage in the /darkbirthday map to complete his quest to claim your free class.
Timeless Dark Caster Changes
These changes also apply to Evolved / Legion Dark Caster.
Skills for the Timeless Dark Caster (and Evo/Legion DC) were buffed earlier in February, in preparation for Dage’s birthday. You can see a list of those changes here.
Immortal Dark Caster Class (Next Week!)
This class uses the originalDark Casterclass skills... but is getting a nice buff! You can see the original Class Skills writeup here.
How to get it:
- Buy it from Dage's Dark Birthday Shop for 2,000 ACs
- Find it in the Dark Caster Collection Chest for 0 ACs
Original Class owners:
If you have the original Dark Caster Class, you will get the Immortal Dark Caster Class for FREE. Talk to Dage in the /darkbirthday map to complete his quest to claim your free class. We will also be adding the class's armor next week, just for you! Plus, complete your "Obtain the Dark Caster Class" quest to get the original class art's armor.
Immortal / Original Dark Caster Changes
Next Friday: we’ll be re-releasing and buffing the original Dark Caster class skills. These will be available directly on the original class, and will also be available on the new Immortal Dark Caster class.
Tier 2 Dark Caster Class (Coming in May!)
Earlier this year, when we were planning out the return of the Dark Caster classes, our plan was to bring back a buffed version of the original DC class. That plan grew and morphed into a Tier 2 version of the original Dark Caster Class, which Dage was a HUGE fan of.
After talking with a lot of you and the team over the last few days, the team is going to take extra time and design out a full, NEW Tier 2 for the Dark Caster class. This will release around May and will have unique skills, icons, animations, and a farming method (no dailies needed!)
How to get it:
- If you have ANY of the Dark Caster classes, you'll be able to join a map and begin the quest to unlock the Tier 2 version
- The class quest will have level and farming requirements (like but not exactly the same as T2 Light Caster)
And like Light Caster, this class will be permanently available, year-round, for anyone with any of the Dark Caster classes. Everyone will need to farm for the class (no shortcuts).
Dage the Evil really wanted something dark, stellar, and standout as a Tier 2 for you guys, and so do I. (So doPisces and the class team, too) For a class like this, we want to take the time and do it right for you guys.
Tags: Alina,