THE BOYS Star Erin Moriarty On Why She's No Longer Heartbroken About Discourse Surrounding Her Appearance (2024)


rebellion -6/16/2024,6:14 AM

Miss Gaslight, people have eyes and youre a public figure.

The show has become repetitive nonsense anyway, im glad theyre putting it out of its misery soon. It was never as good as its 1st season.

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HappyMan1 -6/16/2024,6:39 AM

@rebellion - Back when season 3 premiered I said the same thing, but no one listened. Finally, others are beginning to see what I've been saying all along: this series has been stuck in a cycle since season 1. It's puzzling why it took so long for people to notice. Even when they shake things up, each season inevitably circles back to where it started. I legitimately had heated debates about this with people online, yet they continued to praise this show.

So either I'm a genius who's ahead of the curve, or people are genuinely this fkn stupid.

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Mrtoke -6/16/2024,6:49 AM

@rebellion @HappyMan1- what are ya expecting from this show? Game of Thrones and The Wire type sh*t? It's a stupid show that makes fun of the whole comic book genre. Relax.

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rebellion -6/16/2024,9:16 AM

@Mrtoke - Buddy, take your own advice. Relax.

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TheNewYorker -6/16/2024,9:37 AM

@rebellion - 🧱 đŸ€­

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VISIONaryNPa1 -6/16/2024,10:49 AM

@HappyMan1 - I literally just noticed this theme with the three episodes of Season 4. So I'm gonna bow out.

1. Ryan and Butcher and Homelander. 3 (almost 4) seasons of this thing hovering over the shows head.
2. The will they / won't they & sexual identity/tension of/between Frenchie and kimiko
3. Hughie and Starlight

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Mrtoke -6/16/2024,1:28 PM

@rebellion - says the one expecting too much from stupidity

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rebellion -6/16/2024,2:35 PM

@Mrtoke - "@rebellion - says the one expecting too much from stupidity"

Did you just play yourself?

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HappyMan1 -6/16/2024,11:21 PM

@VISIONaryNPa1 - FACTS! The Kimiko things PISSES me off soooo much more than anything else!! Because at least with that other stuff, yes, even though it repeats over and over again, at least it's interesting to watch. The whole Kimiko thing, I could give a FUHK about her relationship with Frenchie. I give absolutely NO FUHKS about them!! None! I was hoping Frenchie would die last season, but homeboy's still around!! WHY IS HE STILL HERE???!!!!

Man, I'm telling you, I can't express to you just how much I hate that relationship they keep trying to push on us.

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HappyMan1 -6/16/2024,11:36 PM

@Mrtoke - See, this is what I hate about people.

1. That's not what y'all were saying when the show was popping and everyone loved it. No, but now that it's CRYSTAL CLEAR that this show sucks ass and has been wasting your time for fkn 4 years, NOW y'all go, "Well, it was always a stupid show anyway." STFU! Stop trying to cover your ass for not realizing that this was a sh*tty show the entire time. You can't gaslight me to try to make me think I'm wrong for feeling the way I feel. No...YOU were wrong! You all had this show's meat in your mouth, sucking it off and gurgling it's juices until you realized your investment was, quite literally...for nothing.

2. Just because a show is a silly concept doesn't give it the right to waste your time and be repetitive garbage. This isn't a sitcom. The sitcom can repeat. This show clearly has a narative it's been refusing to move forward for 4 YEEEEAAAAARRRSSSSS!!!

HappyMan1 -6/16/2024,11:46 PM

@rebellion - Exactly. Lol And he deleted his comment.

If the show told us all ahead of time, "Hey, this show is gonna go in circles and ultimately waste your time. If that bothers you, don't bother investing your time into us...Just so you know." Then, yeah, I can only blame myself. But to trick your audience like that, just so you have an excuse to make money. NAH! Not cool with that

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Mrtoke -6/17/2024,12:11 AM

@HappyMan1 - couldn't care less what happens to/in this show. I watch it to pass time. I just like homelander being an arrogant prick. The Boys team actually piss me off more than The Seven. You chose to be fully invested in the show unlike me. Waiting for DCU series to begin and MCU series to go back to Wandavision and Daredevil level.

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The1st -6/17/2024,8:59 AM

@HappyMan1 - THE BOYS Star Erin Moriarty On Why She's No Longer Heartbroken About Discourse Surrounding Her Appearance (14)

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HappyMan1 -6/17/2024,2:13 PM

@Mrtoke - Wandavision??? Tf?

My friend, Wandavision was ass. Like, straight hot garbage

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HappyMan1 -6/17/2024,2:17 PM

@The1st - why not both what?

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Mrtoke -6/17/2024,2:37 PM

@HappyMan1 - do better in life

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WarMonkey -6/16/2024,6:29 AM

"including claims of plastic surgery and a consensus among mostly male fans that she's "ruined" her face.

The actress has denied having any work done, though only after the social media accusations reached a mainstream audience when Megyn Kelly decided to chime in."

So this person writing this article attacks and blames men, without any evidence, and then his only proof of any negativity is a women journalist who has a large female audience. That's not journalism.

To claim that all men or all women are responsible for the action of a few is called being a bigot.

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BritishMonkey -6/16/2024,7:54 AM

@WarMonkey - Wilding's a sensationalist gossip blogger at this point with details like that.

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VISIONaryNPa1 -6/16/2024,10:51 AM

@BritishMonkey - yup but were all wrong about his journalist integrity 🙄

He's a hack.

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RC5616 -6/16/2024,1:43 PM

@WarMonkey - Megyn Kelly is no journalist, she's a hack right-wing pundit

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Origame -6/16/2024,2:04 PM

@WarMonkey - I've seen plenty of women commenting on her appearance, but guess it's not as effective to rage bait unless you focus it specifically on men.

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grouch -6/17/2024,7:37 AM

@WarMonkey - there's tons of girls on twitter saying sh*t like "uhhh what happened to starlight". blaming all men is just laughable now.

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SonOfa*gif -6/16/2024,6:31 AM

Toxic fans have always been a detriment to franchises. I get you don't like the direction a show is going on but to harass an actor to the point of sending death threats or creating smear campaigns to teach them a "lesson" is truly sick. This has been why many actors don't attend the conventions or engage with fans because of how mentally unstable some are. How hard is it to just walk away from a franchise and find one you like instead of stalking and trying to destroy an actor's career because you're upset the show didn't turn out how you wanted?

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cubrn -6/16/2024,10:34 PM

@SonOfa*gif - If I were in a franchise, I would never in a million years attend a convention. They reek of BO too.

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grouch -6/17/2024,7:38 AM

@SonOfa*gif - funny how you never see pictures of these death threats by "all men".

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clintthahamster -6/17/2024,10:48 AM

@grouch - Funny how you always see dudes accusing others of saying "All men" when no one else said that.

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MisterDoctor217 -6/16/2024,6:48 AM

Obviously the hate and threats she got are awful, unwarranted and just evil.

Woman shouldn’t be treated like that, but I just think it comes with the business and celebrities and public figures knew that before.
Their image, physically and reputation wise, is everything.
We can’t pretend that most actors don’t get to where they are because of their looks. Or course talent should be the main thing , but that is not how the world works.

So everytime I see actors or celebrities complaining about getting unwanted comments about their appearance, I just think it’s very hypocritical because that’s basically their bread and butter.

Sad and unfair maybe, but it’s true.

So her saying she has not had any work done is preposterous when we can all see how different she looks.

Loosing weight does not change your nose or the shape of your eyes or removes your bucal fat.

I think if celebrities were more honest about the work they get done, they wouldn’t be criticized as much.

But as long as they try to pass all their physical changes as “natural”, people will keep talking.

And that goes for men too , cough* The Rock cough*.

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SonOfa*gif -6/16/2024,7:00 AM

@MisterDoctor217 - Let's be honest. It's only the women of Hollywood who get treated like objects. Their appearance will be torn down by Men and Women within the industry. Nobody comes at Paul Giamatti, Michael Shannon, or Will Ferrell for being unattractive and out of shape. A woman in Hollywood will always be ridiculed no matter what. This is what the Me Too movement was originally about. Mistreatment, inequality, and abuse within the industry. But then the wrong ones made it about themselves and created this sick agenda to come after whomever they didn't like.

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rebellion -6/16/2024,9:22 AM

@SonOfa*gif - zac efron got a ton of backlash for allegedly messing with his face.

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MisterDoctor217 -6/16/2024,9:25 AM

@SonOfa*gif -

I get your point, and I agree it’s usually always women who are treated like that.

But like I said , it’s usually people who are known for their looks primarily than for their acting.

The examples of men you gave, have never been known for being leading men or sex symbols.
So no one expects Paul Giamatti or Michael Shannon to bulk up and get a square jaw and a six pack, just like they wouldn’t expect it with Amy Poheler or Tina Fay.
They are either known as comedians or dramatic actors.

I was referring to specifically A-List stars who rose up to be leading men or women or sex symbols.

Look at all the hate Zack Efron got for what he did to his face, he tried to pass it as being from a jaw injury 10 years ago. He never looked like he does know between that time and 2020. So he got a lot of sh*t when he suddenly looked different back in 2020 or 2021.
Stars like Hemsworth or The Rock are always being talked about if they’re natty or not , with many saying of course they’re not.
But they have to stay in shape to keep getting those leading man roles.

I know it is usually primarily just women who get sh*t , but we can’t act like men don’t get it the same.

I think it just comes with the territory, and even tho it’s not good , it is what it is.
Like I said , many of these people rely on their image , and are public figures, and sex and beauty sells, so it’s natural that if they appear on tv and movies , they’ll get comments about their appearance.

It is what it is, and I don’t think it’ll change anytime soon, no matter how many social justice movements there are.

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TheFinestSmack -6/16/2024,9:53 AM

@SonOfa*gif -
"Let's be honest. It's only the women of Hollywood who get treated like objects."

Yes... it's only the women, ever.


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HistoryofMatt -6/16/2024,12:59 PM

@MisterDoctor217 - I'll take 'Things that never happened for $500,' Alex"

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cubrn -6/16/2024,10:39 PM

@rebellion - Zac Efron only gets talked about because he was a pretty boy before and super rugged after. Women get talked about whether their work makes them look better OR worse.

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cubrn -6/16/2024,10:40 PM

@TheFinestSmack - For every 5,000 examples for women, we can find 1 example for men. Congratulations.

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TheFinestSmack -6/16/2024,11:23 PM

@cubrn - I think the gap is probably closer than you think; men just aren't as inclined to talk about being victimized.

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cubrn -6/16/2024,11:31 PM

@TheFinestSmack - You sure about that?

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Moriakum -6/16/2024,7:17 AM

"The actress has denied having any work done"

THE BOYS Star Erin Moriarty On Why She's No Longer Heartbroken About Discourse Surrounding Her Appearance (39)

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mpk1988 -6/16/2024,7:25 AM

Did she actually get any threats? For what? Who's stupid enough to do that?

She botched her face and looks like plastic - I think that's the only thing everyone's saying. Along with memes and all.

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VISIONaryNPa1 -6/16/2024,10:55 AM

@mpk1988 - that's literally it. And it doesn't take someone with a PHd to look at her face, and see that it has drastically changed appearance from season 03 to Season 04. There's an absolute shift in what she looked like before and now.

Also, aging doesn't make your face look as if it's plastic.

These types of people have body dismorphia disorders sometimes, but she was gorgeous before.

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Gizmoduck -6/16/2024,11:50 PM

@VISIONaryNPa1 - she went under the knife, went to a cheapskate surgeon and ruined her look. Shes legit gross looking, teetering on lizard person now. Like the brothers who get tons of plastic surgery looking freaky, or cher/Michael Jackson freaky. She should have paid more or did better research. Now the only things she will be in is, the boys and sharknado 12. Her lies make me dislike her, if she had been honest and said 'my surgeon [frick]ed me up" i would feel bad for her, but her lying about it over and over is insane and i hope her character dies just to never see an article about her again.

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THE BOYS Star Erin Moriarty On Why She's No Longer Heartbroken About Discourse Surrounding Her Appearance (2024)


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